January News & Events

It’s Detox January!Are resolutions, cleansing and weight loss on your mind this month? How do you know if you need a cleanse? At HNC we can test your body and ACTUALLY see if you need a cleanse! We have many restorative cleanses to help you!

Come in for your health check to see
what your body needs!

Client of the MonthJamie has reduced her sugar cravings, improved her energy, improved stress management, is sleeping deeper, and has overcome leg cramps!!

Nutritional TipEating plenty of cruciferous vegetables will help to move excess estrogen out of your liver and out of your body helping to reduce body fat. Estrogenic toxins can build up from exposure to metals and chemicals such as plastics. Try making ONE change to your daily habits by swapping out your plastic water bottle to a glass or stainless steel bottle. Kristi’s personal favorite is the HydroFlask bottle. She loves the straws because you end up drinking more at work when you get busy!

Products of the Month
SP Green Food and Cruciferous Complete help to properly detox the liver and body of excess estrogen! These two products are excellent for getting healthy this January! If you haven’t been in for a while GET YOUR HEALTH CHECK today to see which one is right for your body!
* Remember: You never want to take supplements without being advised or tested. You can blow out an organ by doing that!Testimonial of the Month“I have been seeing Kristi for the past year to help with my autoimmune and hormone issues. Her warm smile combined with her competency makes her a cut above the rest. She is always available to answer questions and has been my biggest cheerleader on my journey to better health. I came to her so tired of being sick and tired and can honestly say I no longer feel sick and tired! I recommend Kristi and HNC to anyone seeking natural and alternative approaches to healthcare.”
– Jamie C.

Personal Chef ServicesFor in home or in officeChef Rebecca Clubb, who was once a client of Kristi’s, is now the owner and founder of Whole Health Everyday. Rebecca Clubb’s company has worked with Kristi and her clients to achieve optimal nutritional health.
“Our team of highly qualified chefs is here to help anyone who has a specific dietary need or goal. Whether that be due to dietary restrictions, athletic requirements or simply because you prefer to eat right to live well, we are here to serve you. We take the foods you love and transform them into healthier, delicious versions that you can enjoy Everyday.”Services: In-Home Weekly Meal-Prep, Parties, Lessons, and more.Click here to learn more

Rebecca Clubb, Owner Wishing You a Happy and Healthy New Year from Holistic Nutrition Center! Call: (949) 872-2550 Text: (949) 478-5082