Superfoods for Supermoms
August News & Events

August is Psoriasis Awareness Month
Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease of the skin. It causes skin cells to replicate up to 10 times faster than normal skin cells would, causing the skin to look red, dry, and have scaly patches.
Your skin is your body’s largest organ. When your skin is showing symptoms of a rash, eczema or even Psoriasis, it is not just a topical problem. It is a problem that is happening inside the body and psoriasis is just a symptom of a bigger root cause.
Did you know that an overgrowth of pathogens like bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungus are a huge contributor to skin challenges like Psoriasis?
In addition to identifying these potential underlying causes, the health of your gut and digestion is key to healing any skin challenge.
If you are dealing with a skin challenge, please make a appointment today so we can find the root cause to your specific skin challenge!

Client of the Month
Truly’s scalp Psoriasis is cleaning up, she has improved her digestion, she has better energy and has improved her overall health!Go Truly! We are so proud of you!

Nutritional Tip
One simple step you can start right away to improve your skin health is to reduce sugars and refined carbohydrates in your diet. Be sure to have healthy fats and proteins with each meal and snack as they will keep you feeling full and energized throughout the day and curb those afternoon and late-night sugar cravings!

Product of the Month
Dermaco supports your body’s normal flushing of toxins, promotes normal healthy skin renewal and integrity, maintains healthy skin and promotes healthy detoxification pathways.
September 1, 2020
Where (Right Across the Street!):
1451 Quail St., Ste 105
Newport Beach, CA 92660

As we continue to grow and explore new, exciting ways to provide our community with Natural Health Care, we are thrilled to be moving to a larger facility! This move will give us the room we need to expand our offerings while also giving you more appointment availability and a smooth, enjoyable experience when visiting our office.
We are so grateful to our HNC family for spreading the word and helping us grow! We are so excited to have you along for this next chapter of our practice!

Check Out Last Month’s Winner!
Click image to watch Instagram video

The HNC Team:
Shanna Butler, Kristi Acuña (Owner), Staci Babcock, and Jamianne Verkade
The Holistic Nutrition Center was created to help our clients live a life of health and wholeness. Our dedicated team is passionate about finding answers and solutions to your concerns. We value each individual that walks into our center and provide a customized healthcare program based on your body’s needs.

Follow @HNC_Newport on Instagram for inspiration, nutritional tips, and the latest poop video! ; )

And don’t forget to follow the Holistic Nutrition Center Facebook Page to stay up-to-date on the latest news, events, and special offers!